Planned Parenthood Is Not Your Best Option | Theresa Barbale, Creator of MyMentor app | Ep 138
Unfortunately, the one thing Planned Parenthood has done very well is effective marketing. They have persuaded schools to allow them to "teach" sex education to their largest target market, your children. Instead of teaching them tools that will allow them to make healthy relationship decisions and preventative measures, they're teaching them nothing short of "you can choose your gender" and abortion is a safe "solution" to pregnancy. Meanwhile, Theresa Barbale with Life Network of South Florida is providing the truth. Abstinence is the best option for your students for a multitude of reasons. It keeps your kids in school, it's lowered suicide and abortion rates, and it keeps them happy and healthy long-term. Tune in this week as host, Kristan Hawkins, discusses with Theresa all of the benefits of abstinence programs and why you should push for your schools to implement these programs instead of letting Planned Parenthood indoctrinate your children.